Explore Your Energy Through Energy Kinesiology
Energy Kinesiology uses muscle testing to communicate with your nonconscious and subconscious mind and help identify the source of the stress, then helps to release that energy and/or reframe the story of the memories we hold to change your personal energy moving forward.
Energy Kinesiology has been shown to help issues as varied as mitigating physical disease, alleviating emotional stress, and overcoming learning issues. It is a process of COMMUNICATION that allows YOUR energy to communicate and dictate what needs to be consciously explored in order to release the stuck and/or toxic energy in your body.
We offer one hour sessions where you get highly personalized service that focuses on your well-being by finding your unique point of energetic stress.
The process
By using Energy Kinesiology, we can communicate with our deeper selves and clear out the negative energy that is being held inside of us and keeping us stuck. We do this by acknowledging the energy, transforming the energy, and allowing it to flow in a better manner. All of which allows us to be in a more peaceful place and make better decisions on how to BE in the world.
How does the energy work work?
Let’s get real here – nobody knows for sure. Eastern & Western medicine, science & spirituality, self-help gurus, and various religions have been theorizing and battling about this forever. Or, maybe not always battling it out, maybe sometimes just ignoring one another. Luckily we live in a time where Eastern and Western medicine are learning that they need to work together, science is proving spirituality to be real, and with open minds we can find things to use from many religions and gurus.
My personal philosophy on how all this energy works merges bits from East and West, biological science, quantum science, spirituality, new thought leaders, a few religious beliefs, and throws in a bit of my own intuition (or musings from my guides).
But in the end… I don’t need to know HOW it works as much as know that it gets results in a safe way.

All happenings in your life are happening for a reason
We are here to transform and be better. We cannot be better or advance if we are not pushed and tested. How can you say you are a patient person, if your patience is never tested? How can you prove you are a strong person if your resolve is not tested? We need life’s ups and downs so that we can evolve.
– When we learn and grow we are transforming our personal energy.

EVERYONE experiences life’s ups and downs
E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E. Our social media culture can make us think that everyone else has life figured out and we are the only ones who struggle. NOTHING could be further from the truth. All of us, at any given time, are struggling with something. You may be struggling with your love life, I may be struggling with my attitude, my friend may be struggling with their finances, another with their child’s behavior, someone might be struggling with physical disease, another a parent losing their memory, the possibilities are endless. Everyone has challenges. No one is immune, but some have learned how to handle the ebbs and flows of life with more grace than others. When we keep in mind that these challenges are here to HELP us to become better we can take a step back and consciously approach them in a calm manner.
– These experiences are a catalyst for us to become something greater than we are now. When we do this we transform our personal energy.

Conscious RESPONDING leads to success (vs REACTING from past programming and conditioning).
You’ve heard people say, “be in the now”? Being in the now is being conscious of what is really going on around you so that you can CHOOSE a good way to respond to life. But often we are simply REACTING without thinking and repeating old patterns of conditioning and programing. If you are living in the NOW, your energy is clear and open. If you are living in the past, or worrying about the future, your personal energy is diminished.
– Learning how to stay present and conscious allows you to direct your life, instead of your past creating more of what you already know. This means learning to overcome the past conditioning and creating a new personal energy going forward.

STUCK ENERGY hasn’t made it to our “cloud” yet
I think there is more to the mind than just conscious vs. “the confusing and often interchanged use of the clump of un/sub/non-conscious thought.”
But this is how I have made sense of it all this “mind” stuff…
We have a THINKING (conscious) mind that can make decisions, chooses how we look at events and life, chooses to take action (or not), and helps to consciously (with thought) direct our lives. This allows us to interpret, compare, and contemplate our observations and recollections of our perceptions of memories, visuals, smells, sounds, etc.
But we also have an INNER OPERATOR/OBSERVER (subconscious) that sees everything (I mean everything) and is aware of every occurrence and adjustment needed in our bodies. It turns on and off any bodily functions: hormone productions, digestion, respirations, movement, etc. Functions that, for the most part, we don’t have to think about at all, unless something goes amuck. This is handled in our subconscious mind, but is influenced by our conscious, nonconscious, and body. It also facilitates the filing and recalling of memories.
Our DEEPER SELF (nonconscious) stores all of the information and memories of our live’s (conscious and subconscious) and is our connection to our soul and to the collective.
“Sometimes our bodies react quicker than our minds. Maybe you walk into a room and your chest instantly tightens; maybe your pulse quickens and your head pounds every time you watch a certain type of movie scene; maybe your shoulders feel heavy for weeks on end. Our bodies are physical manifestations of our experiences, which means they’re often processing or holding onto traumas that we didn’t even know were there…” – Sara Harowitz, “Your Body Has a Memory—Here’s How It Physically Holds Trauma, and Ways To Release It” in Well+Good
When it comes to our memories, you can read so many different interpretations of how the mind works, and where our memories are stored, but none of them feel quite right to me. When I visualize how memory works – or the categorizing and learning from our experiences – I see it as:
What if our memory system works like your computer with a backup storage system in the cloud? What if our short term memory doesn’t just live in our minds? What if short term memory is energy flowing through our bodies via the meridian system (on your hard drive)? So the information processed in the brain by our THINKING (conscious mind) and INNER OBSERVER (subconscious) lives in our bodies while it is being processed (short term memory) before it gets sent to long term storage.
What if long term memory is memories that have been transferred to our “cloud”? My computer’s storage seems to function like this – for a while it will keep my most recent files on my hard drive, but after a while it just sends those files to the cloud to free up the space in the hard drive, and if/when I want them I have to retrieve them from the cloud to my hard drive, and then I can click on the file to access it. Ever had to “retrieve” a memory? Now, there are some files that are super important and always live on both my hard-drive and in the cloud at all times (core memories) making those memories easier to recall.
What if your subconscious is bridging the conscious and nonconscious parts of your mind? Sometimes it can take a while for it to “download.” So, your subconscious is your hard drive, running the show and determining which files to take up space with, which files to send to the cloud (nonconscious), and directs the nonconscious when the thinking (conscious) mind has asked for something to be recalled?
“The science of memory has intrigued and baffled researchers for decades. In the broadest sense, memory is the mechanism for receiving information and then encoding, sorting, storing, and retrieving it. The act of remembering is absolutely essential to our survival. We could not carry out the basic functions of living unassisted without our powers of recall. Learning would be impossible; nothing in the world would have context. We would have no sense of self—indeed, we wouldn’t know what we’d done five seconds ago. Only within the past 50 years or so have researchers begun to understand the neurological and physiological operations that make this enigmatic but indispensable faculty possible. What’s clear is that the human memory doesn’t reside in one corner of the brain that scarfs up stimuli and records them for later retrieval. Rather, it’s a complex system, involving several areas of the brain, working to make sense of life’s experiences. And a great deal about it remains to be understood.” – Richard Jerome, “THE BIOLOGY OF MEMORY” in Health
Taking a spiritual look at things, IF “God” created all of us so God could experience all of life… wouldn’t it make sense then that all of our experiences are sent back to God? Giving us our personal memories, but connecting us to the collective that is the cloud storage for all (for “we are all one”)? This may be part of the “Collective Unconscious” (the collective nonconscious thoughts of man) or perhaps it is something grander, since our attachments to the collective unconscious can be part of the beliefs we need to transform, or detach from, to create something better. Perhaps the Collective Nonconscious can be changed with the Collective CONSCIOUS and that is being used when we are consciously thinking.
Who knows?! This is just my working theory for now. But this a way that I can make sense of all the different theories and ideas. (When I know more I will adjust it accordingly.)
So, why is understanding the mind so important anyway?
Our memories are energy. Our thoughts are energy. Energy flows through us giving us life and helps create our personal energy. If a thought or memory is too emotionally charged, maybe it is not able to flow and move to the cloud? Maybe it sticks around and that restriction of its flow causes issues.
“When we only suppress, label, and drug our mental distress instead of embracing, processing, and reconceptualizing the suffering of life, the pain can become embedded toxic energy in the brain and cells of the body. That can, in turn, affect cognition, damage the brain, and increase our vulnerability. Every system of the body becomes at risk. Over time, this embedded toxic energy can affect how we think, feel, and make decisions, which in turn, may shorten our life spans.” – Dr. Carloine Leaf, Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess
–This Energy Work tends to find the source energy that is stuck and gumming up the works causing stress or physical disease, so that we can process the energy so that it can flow and go to the cloud or come back from the cloud in a healthy flowing manner instead. Allowing us to more consciously choose the energy we are carrying around and attracting things to us with.

What we hold onto dictates what is to come
Your personal energy is made up of your:
- beliefs (conscious to nonconscious),
- memories,
- the health of your body,
- and can be influenced by your environment, food, and the energy of the souls you interact with (people, animals, etc.)
These all come together to shape your thoughts, feelings, and attitudes which influence your actions, all of which sends out a vibrational wave bringing to you that which is best for your personal growth and development (and for those around you).
We can try to consciously be mindful of our thoughts, control our emotions, choose environments and souls to be around, eat healthy foods, and exercise, but what about those beliefs and memories? What can we do about those?
First, know that what we BELIEVE to be true will find a way of coming true, so your beliefs are extremely important. And your beliefs don’t just live in your conscious mind – the real beliefs we hold live deeper and they are often based on our memories. Which will attract more experiences that reinforce the belief. (It can be a constant cycle, unless we can consciously change our beliefs.)
“…beliefs are like lenses within our biofields that our perceptio of reality gets filtered through… in many cases, they don’t serve us.” – Eileen Day McKusick, Electric Body, Electric Health
This is why transforming our beliefs is core to transforming your energy. That may mean transforming the way you look at past events too. I’m not saying to put on rose colored glasses on in regards to everything – some experiences suck! But, see the events for how it can transform us, and letting the transformation happen. If you don’t, then your past experience becomes your belief about the world and will draw more experiences like it to you. Instead of rose colored glasses, transform yourself so afterwards you can say, “that sucked, but it turns out that is one of the best things that could have ever happened to me.”
You can say a positive mantra all you want, but until you believe it in your nonconscious, you will not be carrying the energy of the positive. This energy work often allows us to identify the actual issue (often faster than traditional therapy), helps eliminate the triggers of the memory (so you can actually talk about it in therapy if necessary), then can help you process the stuck energy – but does it on a deeper energetic level by communicating with your subconscious and nonconscious minds. It helps us transform the energy on that deeper level more quickly than many other practices.
Don’t get me wrong, this can allow for fast results, but it takes work on your part to move forward with the new energy and not slip into old habits of thought and beliefs. If you want true and lasting change the universe WILL test you to see if you actually have changed or not. You will have to work to maintain healthy thoughts, beliefs, and interpretations of your memories. (This is where traditional therapy is ideal!)
–The beliefs you hold in your core carry much of the energy you project into the world. When we LEARN from our past, we can transform our future. We can transform is our personal energy.

Ultimately, we can get beyond the trappings of the mind
Our minds are limited – conscious, sub, non, and the collective. There is part of us that is not the mind(s), nor the body. This part of us is often felt in moments of deep peace and meditation, appreciation of art, feeling love, after fabulous sex or a really good workout, or with some good drugs… moments where we shut the mind up and get beyond our bodies and tap into our higher self or soul – the observer that hears our thoughts, the intuition in our gut, the part of us that stays with us for different lifetimes, or that still small voice.
When we can shut up the mind and body a bit we can hear that still small voice better. But it is much harder to hear that voice when we have stuck energy screaming for our attention. Screaming through our stress, disease, and reactive natures.
We CAN take up meditative practices (and we should – I SOOO want to take one of Dr. Joe Dispenza’s classes, please check out his books “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself” and “Becoming Supernatural”), but… we can’t all do that, nor always for long. We can also do practices like this energy work that helps release the stuck energy so we can hear that still small voice all the better. Not as a quick fix, but as a springboard to deeper lasting work.
– Our energy is not only generated from our mind and bodies, that is just where the energy is focused through. When we clean up the channel that are these minds and bodies we tap into unlimited potential.

We are responsible for our lives
Your life is of YOUR making. Couple of points here:
- The Laws of Attraction are real (often misunderstood and simplified, but real).
- In Unpuzzling Spirituality we discuss how your beliefs, help to shape your thoughts, which help you to choose your actions, which help to shape your life experiences. Your beliefs set the tone for almost everything, and you CAN work to change your beliefs.
- We draw to ourselves the experiences we need so that we might evolve. We draw it to ourselves. The eternal part of you that is connected to All knows the best experience for you to experience so that you might evolve.
“…It is much easier for us to take up causes, to try to change the world, instead of looking inward and trying to change ourselves… We must admit that we are the cause. We must realize that we alone, by way of our previous actions, knowingly or unknowingly, have invited situation and people into our lives that will illuminate and bring out all of our destructive traits that we came here to transform… It means that we are the creators of every chaotic or blessed moment in our life. It means that we recognize ourselves as the cause of our own misfortune or fortune… being the cause is one of the main attributes of being proactive. .. when we stop pointing the finger of blame at someone else… then we will see that the awesome power to change anything and everything has been placed in the palms of our hands.” – Rav Berg, The Power of Kabbalah
It is only when we place the responsibility for our lives in our own hands that we see our power. We can ask for help (ask a friend, see a therapist, see a doctor, meditate, do this or other energy work), but we alone must take the steps towards change. We must make the call, put down the social media, pick up the book, learn the skill, summon the courage – do whatever it is we need to do to make our lives the lives we want and to evolve. But ultimately…
– The ability to change our lives lies in our hands.

When you change yourself, you change the world
Everyone is running their own race. We should not try to force others to change (believe me, I have tried, it does not work). They have to evolve on their own in their own time. Allow. Offer to help if you can, but ultimately allow others to change only if they want to change. That said, we can lead by example, and…
When you change the vibration of the energy you carry, new and different things will be attracted to you. This is the ONLY true way we can change the world – by changing ourselves!
And, something to ponder… IF we are able to change by transforming the energy we hold, perhaps our very connection the collective is what can influence changes in the Collective Nonconscious. Freeing not just ourselves from limiting beliefs, but putting a crack in the limiting beliefs of All. And…
– We can be the change we want to see in the world.
This Energy Work bypasses our conscious mind to communicate with our sub and nonconscious minds. Allowing us to get to the source of the issue and transform the energy.
It all starts with YOU, your energy, and the beliefs you are carrying around.
What are you attracting? What do you need to process?
We would love to help!
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Unscribbling: the art of problem solving and fulfilling your desires
Where we will be exploring and promoting thoughts that can help us all live a “Big Heart Life,” a life that embraces:
a peaceful mind,
loving thoughts and actions,
a happy life experience,
and makes the world we live in a better place.